Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Guy dies, Yahoo reports

Some Guatemalan died from knifing in NY city after helping a woman who was being attacked by another man. After the Guatemalan collapsed, people passed by without helping for about an hour before somebody finally got the police to the spot. Now, there were a couple 911 calls before then, but they gave the wrong address it seems. So, are people really callous? That's the rub of the article. But I don't think they are, not if they're like the people I meet elsewhere. They're just so clueless and made to feel helpless by their robotic rolls in society that they just assume they have no way to aid, that the man is probably already as taken care of as he can be, that medics are on the way, that somebody else is in charge. That's our crisis; our utter estrangement to life via our modern lives. We're barely human anymore, sure, but not because we're callous monsters, but because we're just a bunch of dumb herd animals.

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